Before reactions, travel, and music videos; Thunder Rooster Started out as a Podcast. While working my old day job, I was constantly thinking of ways to create and make content for a living. Those thoughts and and conversations found Paul ears. Although hesitant, He became interested with the idea because it was over the everyday conversations we would be having any way.

Thunder Rooster Media was already my umbrella company for my music, so we decided to just name the Podcast Thunder Rooster as well. We started recording episodes in June 2020 and started releasing them in September 2020. Not only did I record the podcast audio, but I also included the videos of the conversations on YouTube.

Just after a year of podcasting, I thought we should give reacting a shot as a way to try and funnel people toward our podcast. Once we released our first reaction video our channel took off and it no longer made sense to continue the podcast. There are 61 episode for you to enjoy on here or any where you listen to Podcasts. The YouTube video will soon become available on Patreon.